Louisville Estate Planning, Medicaid, Elder Law & Probate Litigation Lawyer


(502) 589-9254

Louisville Estate Planning, Medicaid, Elder Law & Probate Litigation Lawyer

Today I met with a woman whose grandmother broke her hip and went into assisted living. And she stated her brother, who had power of attorney, was in denial and was not doing anything to see about protecting mother’s assets.Unfortunately, her story is typical. Many people, when faced with an elderly parent’s crisis, simply find it easier to do nothing. The only problem is, that as the parent keeps spending on assisted living, her ability to protect her assets from Medicaid diminishes. Doing nothing does not help the problem, or make it go away. All it does, at best, is put it out of mind.

However, it does not have to be that way. If there is a crisis, you need to take action right away  and contact an experienced elder law attorney. As a general rule, the sooner you act, the more options you have (and the more assets you can protect from Medicaid). At Brightwell Elder & Probate Law, we can help you in a crisis, “So you don’t have to go broke in a nursing home.”

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